Final Post

Hi, I think I have the last post and know that I wish you all well, but I’m moving on. I don’t know what the next year will bring, challenges, triumph’s, disappointments, joys, but I’m glad for it, all of it.

I wanted to add a song for you that I heard today and thought it is fitting for you, for everyone that comes here, I hope you like it. Some of the pictures ,may not be what you think they should be, but I know the artists meant well and I appreciate their work.

Its been a journey of the heart for me with you, and it has caused me to dig deeper both emotionally and spiritually.

We’re all flying through space together towards the future, and while I can’t relate to all you may have been through, I would welcome the dialogue with you, as will many around you, people like to talk, they like to help.

I wish you peace, I wish you strength and security as you go on your path.

God has been gracious to me, not because I deserved it but because He loves me. I count myself lucky for that grace.

Take care and take courage as you move your own way, don’t keep a grudge against your leadership, I promise their day will come, but for you, keep moving forward.  Your parents need your help, if they are still in, clearly they have some unresolved issues. Help each other as best you can, in time your wounds will heal, the lies will be uncovered by the light of truth.

We all have wounds and scars, don’t let them hold you back, go ahead and gain confidence, its alright to make mistakes, be patient with yourself. Be ready to be loved.

Peace and I pray you feel the love of God all the days of your life.

Enjoy the music


March 2013, go and be free…

I think this will be my last post or next to last. I’m thinking many are still out in the woods and maybe having a good time, no school, no pressure but no progress either. I’m thinking the kings and princes are contriving a new story to keep you in line, to keep sucking off of your life, monetarily, emotionally, and God know what else.

I was in Denver last week and tried to find the Unifying Meditation Institute, I had some time to kill so I looked for it. If you look on Google and put in the 2475 Broadway address, you will see it on the view as an address in the middle of the street, which, is where it is. There is no building, there is 2441 Broadway which should be near it or next to it, and that is valid but alas there is no 2475 Broadway. This lie alone tells you who the leadership is.

There is not righteousness they have that can justify the lies and dubious nature of this organization, liars, cheats and thieves. I looked for them, I would have had a nice chat and I would have asked them how they can possibly reconcile Paul’s letter to the Galatians, it just blows the whole family, jewish thing apart, go read it, its worth your time, then listen to their lies about it.

I am catholic, my leader Pope Benedict just retired. He said in a talk to retirees actually, that he felt as though the Lord was asleep. He said how he had his faith and loved Jesus and was committed to him, still. I think the passage from the gospels he refers too is when Jesus was in the boat asleep. The wind had picked up and the waves got big. The disciples were afraid and Jesus was sleeping, so they woke Him and He quieted the wind and the waves.

It is interesting too that the Pope has had his own trial and tribulation in his faithful walk with Christ. I think our walks, while exclusively our own, end up being similar in many ways.

I find the gospel passage to be important for several reasons, but the most important thing I find was that Jesus responded to their concern and worry. He rebuked them for lack of faith or small faith, but came to the rescue and they were grateful for it.

I think that is way with God, we have to bring our concerns to Him, tell Him, maybe be a bit of a pest. He does and will answer you, it may not be what you expect or what you want, exactly. But I’ve found it usually turns out better than I expected, and I usually feel loved by God.

Its ok, you can go live a normal life now, you’ll feel strange for a while but it will all work itself out. You may have bad dreams for a while too, but this will pass. Have a little faith, ask God for discernment, ask for help, seek it, you will find it and it will get better.

Be patient with yourself, and each other, not your leadership. Read Galatians, go and be free, the Lord is there and in time you will see things as they really are, but be patient. God’s will isn’t always done, that’s why in the our father we pray and ask for it to be done, if we don’t do it, who will. That great commandment is to love one another.

I wish you well